Root and Tuber Crops Researcher, are invited to attend a 2.5 day international meeting in Porto, Portugal, 3 to 5 November 2014
on ‘Value Chains, Reducing Postharvest Losses, Value Addition and New Food Products from Waste for Cassava and Yam in Africa and Asia’.
The programme and how to register can be found at
This international meeting is an output of the EU FP7 funded Gratitude project (
We invite the following:
– Private sector and enterprises to participate in demonstrations related to the theme.
– Short 10 minute presentations and posters related to the following areas:
a) Value chains, waste and gains from losses in cassava and yams
b) Reducing postharvest losses and waste in yams
c) New food products to reduce waste and losses in cassava and yam value chains
d) Adding value to waste cassava and yam products that are food based
Please note, this project is based round food products and will not cover energy utilisation (for example, biogas, fuel use etc.).
Participants are expected to cover own costs regarding travel and subsistence and pay a registration fee of Euro150.
If you wish to deliver a presentation please send a 250 word abstract (excluding title) and indicate whether this comes under area a), b), c) or d).
If you wish to display a poster please indicate the area and title.
Prof. Keith Tomlins
Food & Markets Department
Natural Resources Institute
President of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops ( & Facebook)
or NIFST Secretariat for more information