Preamble The Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) 10th South East Regional Food Summit (ReFoST) and NIFST Day Celebration with the theme, “Food Scientific Innovations for Nutrition Security”, was attended by the representative of the Deputy...
FSRD- Food Science for Relief and Development Project under International Division of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), USA in Partnership with Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST)
Are you a Food Entrepreneur or know someone operating a Food Business? Please, kindly help to fill and share this questionnaire. The survey is designed to know the major challenges faced by Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Food Business in Nigeria and how...
Improving consumption of healthy street food in Nigeria
The population of Nigerian mega cities such as Lagos is quickly expanding and rapidly accumulating wealth. This causes the food habits of the residents to change, but not always for the better. Nigeria faces serious challenges when it comes to food and nutrition...
Food Safety Indicators
The Importance of Establishing Food Safety Indicators to Improve National/International Food Safety Systems “What gets measured gets done” is an important saying that food safety bodies/authorities must follow to strengthening national and international food safety...
This Student Video Competition is being initiated by Walter Spiess a retired Professor and renowned Food Scientist from the University of Hohenheim, Germany in the memory of his late wife Rose Spiess; with the aim of allowing Food Science Students to demonstrate their...
Researcher in sensory and aroma science and food oral processing
Researcher in sensory and aroma science and food oral processing Structure and Sensory Design at RISE Agrifood and Bioscience tailor and characterizes foods and soft materials with special properties for industrial as well as for research applications. Our projects...