The official Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST)
The Nigerian Food Journal (NIFOJ) is a peer-reviewed journal designed to contribute towards the development of new and improved food sources and products based on sound research. NIFOJ is also designed for effective communication of special attributes and advantages of food products as well as focus on the activities of the food industry in Nigeria. The journal publishes pure and applied food science and technological research to promote knowledge sharing and nutrition development in all aspects of the food processing and consumption value chain. Aspects covered in NIFOJ include food chemistry, food engineering, food microbiology, food packaging, food preservation, food safety, new product development, and sensory analysis.
The Nigerian Food Journal is an annual publication of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Two issues in one volume are published each year. Subscriptions for an issue are: individuals in Nigeria ₦3, 000.00, Nigerian institutions ₦5, 000.00, African countries 100.00 US Dollars, other countries 160.00 US Dollars (£100.00) per Volume of NIFOJ copy, including postage. Full members and Fellows are however entitled to a copy of this edition on payment of the annual membership dues. A package subscription fee is offered to institutions and corporate bodies at the above stated address. All payments in form of bank drafts or certified cheques, U.N. Coupons, etc. are to be made payable to the Nigerian Food Journal, using its Current Account Number 2000636885, or the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) Account Number 2012769551 (Dollar account) (SWIFT CODE: FBNIG 312L), First Bank Plc, Ilupeju Branch, Lagos, Nigeria.
NIFOJ will require the authors to pay ₦25,000.00 or $100.00 on acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
The Nigerian Food Journal is currently working towards becoming a fully OPEN ACCESS journal. However, requests for single reprints can be addressed to authors, whose addresses are indicated in each article.
Licentiate Members: ₦8, 000.00
Professional Members: ₦10, 000.00
Fellows: ₦15, 000.00
Corporate Membership (SME): ₦50, 000.00
Corporate Membership (Large and Multinationals): ₦100, 000.00
On payment of annual membership dues, members are entitled to one copy each of the yearly publications of NIFOJ, while corporate members are entitled to two copies of each year’s publication of NIFOJ.
The Nigerian Food Journal publishes original research articles in all aspects of Food Science and Technology and closely related topics. Authorities and experts in the field should preferably contribute review articles or special reports from the food industry. Papers accepted become the copyright of the journal.
Manuscripts: Manuscripts of original research on all aspects of Food Science and Technology are welcome. Manuscripts written in English should be typed single spaced on A4 paper with 2.5 cm and submitted electronically. Submitted manuscripts must not exceed 15 A4 pages (including tables, figures and references) for original research papers, 10 pages for technical review papers and 5 pages for special reports. Reviews should be 14-18 pages, must be concise, a constructive criticism of the topic and with good conclusion. Authors are required to send along with the manuscript a letter of undertaking signed by the principal author, stating that the submitted paper is not under consideration in part or in full for publication in any other Journal.
Only manuscripts that conform to the recommended format shall be considered for review. The artwork for the technical adverts should be sent along where applicable. All submissions must include a properly filled checklist as indicated below.
Along with the manuscript, authors should include evidence of payment (e.g. scanned bank teller) of the sum of Five Thousand Naira (N 5000.00) or Fifty US Dollars ($50), as handling charge. Payment by Nigerian authors in Naira should be made into the NIFOJ Current Account Number 2000636885, First Bank Plc, Ilupeju Branch, Lagos, Nigeria. For international contributors paying in US Dollars, the journal’s domiciliary account details are: NUBAN: 2012769551, SWIFT CODE: FBNIG 312L
Manuscripts should be submitted to nifoj2010@gmail.com. The revised version of the manuscript must be returned by e-mail in MS Word within two weeks. The e-mail address of corresponding author(s) must be included in the manuscript. Accepted papers not returned as requested will not be considered in the subsequent issues of the Journal. Authors are expected to pay the page charges that will be communicated in the acceptance letter of their papers.
Manuscripts texts should be prepared using Garamond font size 11 with single line spacing (or as indicated in the checklist for each section) should normally be divided into distinct sections as follows:
Title: This should be presented on the first page along with abstract and keyword(s). The title should be written using Calibri font 15 and bold. Authors’ names and affiliation should be in Garamond font size 10. Running title and lead author should appear on each page of the paper.
Abstract: This must not be more than 250 words written using Garamond font size11. It must state briefly the study objective; highlight the major results and the conclusion.
Keywords: This must not contain more than five (5) words or phrase should be inserted below the abstract. Keywords should reflect the content of the paper for easy retrieval of the paper. This should not be a repeat of the words contained in the title.
Introduction: This must provide sufficient literature background to support or justify the study. The knowledge gap(s) that the study is filling in related field should be very clearly stated. At this stage, authors should be cautious of plagiaristic tendencies. Relevant research questions/hypotheses should be stated implicitly or explicitly. Objectives should be clearly stated by indicating the aim of the research.
Materials and Methods: This section should be written in a manner that enables the reader to follow in detail both the materials and methods of uncommon procedures, in order to reproduce the experiments. An additional short description is advisable if the references are not accessible or are given in unfamiliar languages. Scientific and vernacular names should be written in full at first citation and in italics. Subsequently, the genus names may be abbreviated.
Results and Discussion: The result should refer to tables, figures, schemes, formulae etc. presented in manuscript. Authors should use Garamond font size10 for preparing tables and figures. Very clear inferences supported by the results should only be presented while highlighting the findings of the study. Frivolous interpretation of data should be avoided. Experimental data should be evaluated by suitable statistical methods. The results should be discussed with regards to current knowledge and objectives of the research.
Conclusions: This should be a distinct inference drawn from the findings of the research.
Acknowledgement: This is optional.
Conflict of Interest: This should be honestly declared by the authors
Funding Source: Authors should accurately declare any financial assistance rendered by individual(s) or organization(s) to achieve the study objective
References: The Harvard style of referencing should be adopted, i.e. reference should be listed in alphabetical order. The list of references should include only those publications that are cited in the text. References to periodicals must be indicated by author’s name and year (in parenthesis) in the text. The title of the work, title (italicized) and the volume of the periodical should be indicated. The beginning and end pages of the article should also be indicated, e.g.
Meadows, A. B., Ogunmoyela, O. A. and Abu, J. O. (2007). Effect of drum drying of banana pulp on the sorption isotherm and flexible packaging requirement. Nigerian Food Journal 25: 130-140.
Journal’s name must be fully spelt and not abbreviated. For textbooks, the name(s) of the author(s) and the title of the book, followed by the publisher, city of publishing and the pages referred e.g.
Iwe, M. O. (2003). The Science and Technology of Soybean, Rojoint Publishers Enugu, pp. 123-230.
For chapters in a book, the names of the author, date, and title of the article should be given, then followed by the editor(s), title of the book, publisher and place of publication and the page numbers, e.g.
Ebuehi, O. A. T. and Ikanone, C. E. (2007). Mineral and vitamins content of some Nigerian bread sample. In: Kirsop, B. E. and Kurtzman, C. P. (Eds). Living Resources for Biotechnology, David Livingstone, London, pp. 141-187.
For references obtained from the internet, the authors, the author or source of the material with date should be indicated, followed by the title of the article, then the internet identification, and when it was accessed e.g.
USDA (2007) USDA National Nutrient database for standard reference. Available from http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/. Accessed Feb. 23, 2007.
Illustrations and Figures: Each figure should be given an Arabic number, e.g. Table 1. Photographs and photomicrographs should be scanned and submitted along with manuscript electronically. Coloured photographs and micrographs attract extra charges. Scientific measurements should be given in SI Units. Internationally recognized abbreviations may only be used after the long form has been written and explained. Limit the numbers of illustration only to the most essential ones. Express “hours” as “h”, “minutes” as “min”, “seconds” as “s”.
Tables: Each table should be given an Arabic number, e.g. Table 1. The title of the tables should be indicated at the top. Each table should be on separate page. The numbers should be limited to the absolutely necessary ones. Footnotes to Tables should be typed below the Table and should be referred to by superscripts lowercase letters. Crisscross lines in tables are not allowed. Only two horizontal lines should be ruled, one under the Table-heading and the other at the bottom-line of the table. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscripts (e.g. in graphs) and vice versa.
Application forms can be obtained by writing the National Secretary to whom they are to be returned upon completion. A completed form must be accompanied by the appropriate fee in bank draft, bank certified cheque or cash paid at the secretariat at the point of submission or into any First Bank Plc, AC No: 2000055846, Sort Code: 011151896, photocopies of credentials, curriculum vitae (CV), Letter of Employment(if employed)/ Letter of Promotion and a certified passport photograph.
Each application is first sent to a Membership Committee scrutineer who checks it against requirements and makes a preliminary assessment. It is then put before the next meeting of the Membership Committee which considers the application and makes a recommendation to Council. If the information is inadequate or if references are not adequate, the application has to be deferred until they are available and may be considered at subsequent meetings of the Membership Committee (held at approximately two month intervals). In some cases, it may be necessary for the Council to exercise its prerogative of requiring further evidence in whatever form it considers desirable. Finally, the recommendation is considered by the Council and the applicant is notified of the Council’s decision.