For: Registered student members of NIFST
Title for the 2015 Dr. I.A. Akinrele Essay is: “The Application of Modern Packaging to Indigenous Food for Marketing Development”.
Essays for submission must be typewritten on an A4 size paper with 1.5mm line spacing and must not exceed three pages. References are to be listed on a separate page.
Participants are to clearly indicate their; Names, Mobile phone number, Institution, Department, Postal and Active e-mail addresses on a separate page of the entries
Four (4) hard copies or Soft of each entry (endorsed by the Head of Department) should be submitted to:
Mrs. Adebukola Akanmu OR The Administrative Secretary
Quality Assurance Department Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology
Promasidor Nigeria Limited, FIIRO Compound
Plot 3A & B, Cowbell Way, Isolo FIIRO Road, Off Cappa Bus Stop,
Industrial Estate, Isolo, Lagos State P.O. Box 2, NITEL Training Centre, Oshodi
08033070305, 08029156187.
Please note that entries are limited to only Registered Student Members of NIFST.
Deadline for submission of entries is August 30th, 2015.
H.O.D.s, Presidents of NAFST, Student Coordinators are implored to assist in anyway to encourage submissions from their institutions.
Thanking you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Adebukola Akanmu
National Assistant Secretary
Chairman, Students’ Affairs Committee