Comparative Evaluation of Blood Glucose Regulating Potentials of Coca-Cola Zero Coke and Common Coke

Nigerian Food Journal – Volume 38

Okwunodulu, I. N., Maduka V. O. and Iwe, M. O.
Department of Food Science and Technology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State Nigeria



Current changes in life style due to increasing incidence of diabetics, high blood pressure, stroke and obesity have made people to be skeptical on their sugar in take. In compliance to this, Coca-Cola introduced Diet Coke, Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar among others. Blood glucose regulating potential between Zero and common Coke was compared using 25 male student participants randomly selected from volunteers of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Abia State Nigeria for the study. They were given each a bottle of 35 cl of Zero Coke, 35 cl common Coke and 50 g glucose (standard) at different days after 12 h fasting and their blood sugar levels were measured at every 15 min intervals for 2 h on each day. The results showed that Zero Coke decreased the blood sugar level from 78.28 (0 min) to 78.00 (15 min), increased same thereafter to 85.76 (60 min) and decreased to 75.96 (120 min) lower than common Coke and the standards. Common Coke increased from 91.44 (0 min) to 115.60 (15 min) and finally decreased from 95.76 (60 min) to 81.68 (120 min). Mean glycemic index of Zero Coke (11.095) was significantly (p<0.05) lower than common Coke (31.140). Glycemic index of the individual participants for Zero Coke was less than 14 while that of common Coke ranged from 15 to 64.The incremental area under curve (IAUC) for Zero Coke was 377.46 and normal Coke was 1173.20. Zero Coke significantly lowered blood glucose than common Coke.

Nigerian Food Journal – Volume 38

Blood glucose, glycemic index, Zero Coke, common Coke.

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